
Its 2 years since I’ve written. My progress had stopped, I was exhausted and I accepted that my recovery journey had come to an end. I stopped trying to get better, made peace with where I was at. After all, I had already recovered far more than I was told I ever would. At the…

Reality Bites

The first few days in ICU were pretty surreal. I had a lot of adapting to do and a lot of small procedures to get through. A nasogastric tube was inserted so that I could be fed. I had a catheter in to catch urine. I had a pic line put in, which is an…


Eventually the morning came with the bustle of a shift change. What a relief to feel like I was not alone.I knew that I couldn’t move a thing. Steve woke up and straight away, I was looking to him for answers. I’m sure he could see the fear in my eyes. He was stroking my…