The Road to India

I’m calling this post “The Road to India”. Let me explain why. We want to go on an overseas holiday at the end of next year. Our children are getting to the age where they spend holidays with friends, girlfriends/boyfriends. That is the natural progression in their lives and I am happy and proud to…

Reckless Parenting?

Sometimes people judge, and label parents as reckless. As parents, we make decisions that are thought out – we choose not to wrap out kids in cotton wool. Each of our children’s personalities suggests they will live lives of adventure. As parents, we believe we have a limited period of time to teach them to…

Joy Comes in the Morning

I’m in two minds about posting this. I feel like it doesn’t really have a point. But, it’s all part of my journey so decided to include it. None of us can really plan for the future. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, next week, next year. I know all too well that…

Happy New Year???

Warning: This is an Ebenezer Scrooge ‘bah humbug’ style post. If you are feeling happy and excited about the New Year, I suggest you read no further. I am not looking for words of encouragement, sympathy or even understanding. These are simply feelings that I needed to own in order to deal with them and…

Letting Go Of Dreams

One of the hardest things about a new disability is letting go of dreams. I know we all give up dreams as our lives take different paths to those we had planned. And I know that I just need to create new dreams that are achievable for the ‘new us’. I grew up in a…


I find it fascinating to think about how much our lives are influenced by perspective. Perspective is the way we look at or think about something. So is our perspective something we can always control? Do we have the power to choose our perspective on any given experience? On his blog WisdomForLife Steve Cornell writes,…

Broken AND Beaten

I named my blog broken but not beaten. Yet today I am feeling most definitely beaten. After a wonderful weekend away, exhaustion manifested itself as frustration and anger in people around me. It’s days like this that I wonder if trying to live like we did before the stroke, is courageous or simply unrealistic. At…